My digital photography trip started somewhere around 2010 and until early 2023, I owned a digital SLR camera. But I lost my mojo.

Taking seven shots of the exact same scene. Day trips resulting in 150+ photos. The ridiculous amount of time spent on selecting and editing. Even the digital, plastic vibe of the camera itself started to bother me.

Unintentionally, I began to use my camera less often, even leaving it at home when heading for the beach or mountains. I got bored of taking pictures, which was a truly saddening experience to me.

A thing of pure magic ...

I have always looked at photography as some kind of wizardry. To capture the tiniest piece of time and space, and freeze it as an eternal witness to our such transient but fascinating existence on this planet: how could that not be magic?

So, I sold my DSLR, started drifting towards the antipode of rushy digital photography, and ended up in the arms of analogue photography.

The limitations of 16, 24, or 36 shots on a physical medium. The specific opportunities and restraints that come with each type of film.


The time needed to perfectly balance composition, light, and subject in one single shot. The patience that is required before you can finally see the result of your endeavours.

The dreamy atmosphere, and soulful contrasts and colours that only analogue film can bring about. I instantly fell in love again.

With this SlowPho website, I want to share my regained passion for (analogue) photography with all of you. Nothing more, but not an inch less, either.


            Arne Prové